
What I want to do after graduation

What I want to do after graduation

Hey! With an aspiration in mind to hopefully study Interaction Design in either Toronto or Vancouver in the Fall 2024 semester, I have set some one-year goals to improve my graphic and web design skills. These goals are aimed at establishing a solid foundation in user interface (UI) design and preparing me for part-time work during the academic year, with an eye on full-time opportunities during the summer break!

Goal 1: Advancing UI Design Skills

My primary focus for the year ahead is the enhancement of my UI design skills. I intend to stay current with industry trends, explore new tools, and master the techniques necessary for effective UI design. This will include practicing my mockups, wireframes and practicing precision in my designs.

Goal 2: Strengthening Graphic Design Abilities

Graphic design remains integral to visual communication. I am committed to refining my graphic design skills, emphasizing the creation of visually appealing and meaningful visuals that serve a purpose in design projects!

Goal 3: Balancing Academics with Part-Time Work

While pursuing my studies, I am also planning to undertake part-time work to gain practical experience and further develop my skills. This will provide a well-rounded approach to learning, allowing me to apply my knowledge in real-world settings.

Goal 4: Pursuing Full-Time Summer Opportunities

In addition to my academic endeavors, I look forward to full-time summer opportunities where I can deepen my practical experience. These summer positions will be essential for honing my skills and gaining invaluable insights into the world of design.

In summary, my goals for the year ahead revolve around improving my design skills, both in UI and graphic design, while also gaining real-world experience. This journey is marked by dedication and the pursuit of excellence, with an eye on achieving my dream of becoming an Interaction Designer. Thank you for joining me on this path, and stay tuned for updates on my progress!

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